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Out on digital platforms September 27th 2019)

« The XXIst century will be  spiritual or won't be at all. » told André MALRAUX  in 1972. Visionary, you may say but no civilisation found base without spirituality. We are in a shifting period where contrasts cohabit and the response to the hyper consumerism society is very often a mystical one. But what spirituality are we talking about ? Between the extremist religious comeback and the superficial coaching on happiness there is a path. That under road is taken by the arts, where words cannot express the complexity of feelings, where rhetorics are old and woody, sounds and colours find a faster link to your mind. 

Sacred Fields, solo project by sound and visual artist Eric Pajot, will immerse you in thy own interior world. The 8 titles new album will exhort your "dark - bright intimacy," as the artist is telling us. This melodic approach is offered to you as the soundtrack of your hopes and delusions, your dreams' and their failures' rhythm, to fragile in this inexorably shattering reality. 

Eric Pajot is a pioneer, developing the digital work since the beginning of the 90s. Cofounder and member of the famous French duo "Radio Mentale", he did during the years incredible sound performances. Eric is also composing for pop and electronic projects and is developing his solo music compositions under  the name: Humans by Bilions. Since 2003 he works on "Wall Paper Video," an alternative TV proposition, projects that I particularly like as it is an echo to  one of my works as a student. Recently he applied his works to the interactive Video Table designed by Ambroise Maggiar and published by label Dalbin inspired by the Bauhaus motto "Putting art into everyday objects."  

Eric Pajot will plonge you in an introspection state. His art is a quest of the links between visible and invisible, between reality and imagination. His goal is to find that poetry within everything and counterpart this materialistic world. With Sacred Fields he is opening a door towards celestial paths. 

"The sound of a moment where anxiety and hope dance together in the eternal cosmos in search of an energetic field, of a sacred field. A mystical music, fluide, bearer of imaginary spaces and interiorised images, where Gods and demons meet." Is telling us Eric Pajot, who is presenting himself simply, a creative mind. 

Humans 1


Alexandra Mas
visual artist & art director


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