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Rodarte, RTW Collection FW2020


Dark shadows and bats, darkness of the night, unknown darkness, spiders that weave their cobwebs, have always been thoughts related to darkness, mystery and sometimes fearful thoughts.

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Rodarte drew inspiration from these dark thoughts transforming them into radiant colors, witches and sorceresses become angelic women and seduce with their mischievous femininity.

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As happens in a role play, now the witch becomes radiant, beautiful and does not inspire negativity, indeed quite the opposite, as if the apparent idea of darkness is transformed into a seductive light.

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The volumes of the collection are extremely feminine, almost a reinterpretation of the legendary 40s, emphasizing cuts and shapes that enhance the pure essence of femininity. The shoulders swell gently as if the woman touched the ground in a light flight.

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Velvet cloaks and hoods conceal an absolute beauty of a re-emerged, seductive, hyper-feminine female silhouette.

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