Michael Jantzen, the future of the modern architecture is linked to respect for Nature
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Michael Jantzen, the future of the modern architecture is linked to respect for Nature

Art, architecture, technology and sustainable design will blend into the american architect Michael Jantzen, one of the world's pioneers of sustainable design.

The relationship between architecture, art and environment has never been easier: just think of the waste of materials and environmental impact that certain eco-monsters have on the beauty of the earth.

For Michael Jantzen now it's time to rethink everything: the architecture has to be environmentally conscious and sustainable because a real architect today must be able to make the world a better place not just thonking to create an immortal masterpiece. The Earth is the most important thing to think about it when an architect creates a new space. This is possible through a design that is sensitive to ambiental issues. A real modern architect calculates perfectly every physical material to use for minimizing the impact on the consumption of the Earth's resources. And about Michael Jantzen, his works are all dedicated to this important philosophy.

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