No, an ugly story
Fashion News:

No, an ugly story


Alexandra MAS
production Alexandra Mas & Marco Tassini
for MasTassini Studio
with the participation of
IFA Paris
LCBio Normandie
Master Sergio BOLDRIN

A gigantic cape made of collected plastic will show at the Biennale, on the afternoon of October 19th, 2019, during the Venice Fashion Week. Artist Alexandra MAS, dressed with this work done at IFA Paris, and wearing a mask, also of recycled plastic, by master Sergio BOLDRIN, will perform militating against plastic pollution.

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The Militant Artist

Emerged into arts since her childhood, her drawings, paintings and installations bring to us a poetical universe. The eager to underline the ecological emergency was first presented by the Bortone Gallery in 2013. Ever since, Alexandra MAS’ art shorts present a real concern regarding the relation men vs nature. Often her media is her own body, filled with anger and despair, where the identity quest is superposed to the Earth’s dramatic evolution.
Illustrated by an ancient demiurge or a future primitive human, a hysterical woman or a disturbing distorted self portrait, she is raising questions with her performances or videos.

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A rising Tide of Plastic

We can flood you with numbers and disastrous descriptions. Reality is much worse than what you can imagine until you see it with your own eyes. We throw away 50 bilions plastic bottles per year!
A sea of plastic - The numbers are building the sound track, along with wild sea animals screams, children and youngsters talking to You in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Indian, Chinese (with the voice of actress Xin Wang) and of course Italian, Alexandra Mas is inviting you to feel them as music sounds, to let yourself be bothered and eventually affected.

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With the participation of:

Sergio Boldrin, world wide renown for his creations for theatre and cinema, especially for his collaboration with Stanley Kubrick, is a Venetian masks master. He is also a painter and sculptor, passionate by the Venetian universe. His studio, La Bottega Dei Maschereri, is presenting a complex world inspired by the Città Lagunare, in two boutiques ateliers managed by himself and his brother. His works have been featured many times in magazines like: New York Times, LA Times, La Republica, Harper’s Bazar, Casa, Voque and others.

IFA Paris - “Parisian roots, International vision” - is an international fashion and luxury management school whose campuses are located in the hearts of Paris, Shanghai and Istanbul. Founded in 1982, IFA Paris offers a large range of Bachelor programs as well as MBAs in Marketing and Management. Furthermore, IFA Paris is one of the first schools to dedicate programs to fashion tech and stresses on the importance of sustainability. IFA Paris’ mission is to transmit the traditional French savoir-faire using the most innovative methodology and technology and to share with its students who are coming from all over the World its passion for excellence.
Lin et Chanvre Bio (organic linen and hemp association) aims to accelerate the conversion of linen agriculture to organic and of course the rotation sustainable system with vegetables and cereals. Also, based on the French knowhow, the development of the hemp sector in order to answer the on-growing textile industry demand; and relocate back in France the thread transformation, this excellency of natural textile. The LCBio is endorsing two projects LINportant, knitting and manufacture in Caen, and LINpossible, creation of a spinning mill in France.

The artist is thanking:

Sergio Boldrin, IFA Paris, LCBio Normandie, Venice Fashion Week Venezia da vivere, Associatione Piazza San Marco, Venice Tap Water, Venezia Pulita.

Venezia Loghi

For inquiries info@mastassinistudio

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