Andrea Cadoni, jewels by an Artist
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Andrea Cadoni, jewels by an Artist

Through seashells the sound of the ocean plays to the infinite, but only to who knows how to hear it and opens his heart to it. To these fortunate ones huge universes will appear in front of their eyes which are hidden to whoever else.

In this mysterious and fascinating dimension you can find the artworks of Andrea Cadoni, jewel designer able to create authentic wonders sculpturing with great skills beautiful seashells that are lieng above the sand waiting for someone which is not a collector but someone else able to give them a new identity after the role they played by sheltering a hybrid sea creature.

Andrea Cadoni with the loving view of who is always in search of beauty can even see in those shells just picked up what anklet it will become.

If he perceives in it a face profile of a woman certainly this woman will come alive under his hands and from the sea where she's swinged she is now shifted kindly around the neck of a lady among the streets of the world.

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