PMI: 724 virtuous companies, at the top the fashion system
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PMI: 724 virtuous companies, at the top the fashion system

There are 724 small and medium-sized enterprises identified in Italy by the Osservatorio Pmi 2018. The companies, from 2012 to 2016, recorded an increase in turnover of 58% and the number of employees (+37 thousand units).

The data of the observatory were presented by the Global Strategy, a strategic and financial consulting company, during an initiative organized in partnership with Intesa Sanpaolo and in collaboration with Borsa Italiana, Confindustria, Elite, Nedcommunity and Les Henokiens.

71% of the top SMEs are in the manufacturing sector, 19% in commerce and 10% in services. In the manufacturing sector, the sectors in which there is a greater presence are mechanics, food and beverages. The excellent SMEs were more distinguished in construction, services to businesses and the fashion system, with a value of production that grew at an average annual rate of 18.6%, 18.5% and 14.1% respectively.

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