Pomandère, elegant pret à couture avant garde
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Pomandère, elegant pret à couture avant garde

While it’s Carlo Zanuso who speaks to customers, everyone in the company has a say in the message Pomandère conveys. Behind the label and beside the designers is a whole corporate team made up of individuals who bear a striking resemblance to the articles they create: young and willing, casual yet rigorous, everyone at Pomandère is a natural ingredient in what is essentially a simple recipe for success. This is a company with a desire to grow at just the right pace, with a healthy dose of enthusiasm and confidence in a product able to convince and to sell on its own merits; a company that treats the customer as a person rather than a business opportunity. This is a little fashion house with a soul, with a calm, unhurried approach. Confident of its ability to attract the most demanding, aware international clientele, Pomandère never needs to go chasing customers at all costs. Those who come here are invariably satisfied, and this is where our long-term gratification comes from. 



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