Fashion News:

‘Shall we dance’ by ROHMIR AW18

Shall we dance, ROHMIR’s Olga Roh catwalk show AW18 was an offspring of flamboyant, flowered stylised dresses. Elegant long styled outfits, extravagant suits, even the see-through design maintains a touch of class and discreetness. Black, gold, white, rose pastel and dark green were the dominant colours of this ROHMIR collection. The show was choreographed by Kirill Burlov (Rambert British Ballet) which also graced it with dance moves together with ballerina Jia Zhang (English National Ballet) which kept her dance performance entirely on tip toes! Burlov suit was designed by Johan Labassa at Labassa Woolfe harmonically joining ventures on stage with ROHMIR. 

Paola Berta 





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