Accademia Altieri Moda and Arte, Shout To The Pop
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Accademia Altieri Moda and Arte, Shout To The Pop

The Accademia Altieri Moda e Arte, on the occasion of the 2019 edition of the high fashion capitoline kermesse, presented the event "Shout To The Pop" at its Rome office in via Lucrezio Caro 67. Fashion and music intertwined to give a view to very deep creative paths and exchanges, as well as an important cross-section of the skills that students acquire through the various courses offered by the Accademia Altieri.

An event that as always has involved all the grades, starting from the students of the first year that will compete in the creation of fancy mini dresses. We started with tailored clothes, with multicolored metal-effect fabrics, with applied gems, wood, paper feathers, plastic materials in turn embroidered with sequins, feathers and mini photographs. A work of pure creative art but above all of manual skills gradually acquired through various techniques. Each mini dress was associated with an icon character of pop music.

Following the students of the 2nd year with the construction of 8 dresses on mannequins to real size. Leitmotiv: research and experimentation. The result is a mix of imagination, know-how and amazement.

How? Latex gloves to create a gummy dress; ragged bark liane effect intertwined on a wire cage; burnt plastics that give the appearance of crumpled tin; circles made from plastic bottles that form a skirt over a body made with mosaic applications of small pieces of multicolored wood. But it's not over. As a demonstration of the acquired sartorial skills, the 3rd year's boys have created a single fabric dress where the particularity consisted of the material used for the applications: sealing wax, silicone and gel. The same concept for the students of the modeling and tailoring course who created tailored creations with the use of common fabrics and particular materials fused together.

On the other hand, the students of the window dressing and visual merchandiser course took care of the scenographies and the settings that were the frame of the clothes. Finally, the students of the makeup and hairstyle course created the make-up and hair stylist of the model who wore the flagship dress of the third year students.

An event that has been an authentic journey through creativity, aesthetic sense, fantasy combined with curiosity, intuition and great dexterity thanks to the course of study provided by the Altieri Fashion and Art Academy. Everything has marvelously merged into a visual image that has transformed, in its dexterity, the most modern side of a creative work that overcomes communication barriers and imposes itself as a universal language.


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