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Brooke Shaden, visionary self-portratist between lights and shadows like Caravaggio

Born in 1987 at Lancaster, in Usa, Brooke Shaden begins to devote herself to photography in 2008 starting from self-portraits to then move very rarely to photo shooting with models who interpreted her dreamlike and visionary universe characterized by a dark and theatrical allure. Her great peculiarity is that she never gave up the taste of the self-portrait as an instrument of knowledge of herself, of her most intimate desires and darkest, mysterious and deepest part of her mind and personality. In fact, Brok e Shaden is the great protagonist of her fairytale, surreal and metaphysical images, halfway between photography and classical painting, in works that often pay homage to Caravaggio in the use of chiaroscuro, between light and shadow. All suspended between dream and reality, which is that universe in the midst in which this artist feels to belong and who, bravely, view to the attention of eryone, showing herself  exactly for what she really is, without filter or fear to discover in a photo something of herself that she never imagined. A sort of psychic and artistic therapy, a freudian analysis, careful and sometimes harsh and cruel of herself but, above all, also a wonderful journey to finding and then knowing, understanding and maybe accepting and forgiving herself. 

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